Thursday, November 19, 2009

Just another morning

Just another morning like any other. Peyton decided she needed to wear her tutu and animal necklace with her pajamas and Shelby a.k.a. "Bindi the Jungle Girl" was busy with her animal friends note the leftover whiskers 2 days after Halloween. That Urban Decay eyeliner is some serious stuff

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dinder and Fluffy

So Shelby has had an imaginary friend for about a year now named Dinder. It's a horse that sometimes is a unicorn and she goes everywhere with us. Sometimes she runs alongside our car, sometimes she is sitting in the backseat. I hear stories about her all of the time. This week I was introduced to fluffy who is also a horse that is Dinder's friend. A while back we were in Sam's Club with my mom and all of a sudden Shelby yells "STOP"! "Dinder's babies are right there on the floor you almost ran them over!" I'm just wondering if I should be worried.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Getting too Big

I tell Shelby "look at these leggies they are getting way to long." She says "yep I sure am getting bigger and bigger." I say "We're gonna have to stop all of this growing." She says "But Mommy, if you stop all of the growing I won't get to be a Mommy."

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Went to a Halloween party last night with my girls. They loved the trunk or treating (trick or treating in the parking lot out of everyone's cars), and the costume parade where each kid took a turn walking across the stage and twirling around for everyone to see their costumes. I hate to brag but my girls got the most applause. Peyton was probably the littlest one there that actually walked across and they were playing "Monster Mash" and she started boogeying in the middle of the stage. Most kids were too embarassed to stop and twirl but Shelby marched right out to the center of the stage smiled and twirled about three times with her arms straight out at her sides. It was great.

Pumpkin patch on Wednesday, girls were so cute.
Peyton kept squatting down next to the hugest pumpkins and grunting trying to lift them. Shelby was on a quest to find the "smallest pumkin in the whole wide world" They were just adorable running around and pulling the little wagons. I LOVE FALL!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Getting it down so I don't forget:
Shelby's first words: Zeus: Shoos(our dog) and Shoes : Shoos
Peyton's first words: Cow : Caaooo and Popcorn : Copcarn
Goal for this morning was to complete 2 chapters of reading for my psych class and do an online quiz. It's 1:00 and so far I've cleaned pee off of the floor, a stuffed horsey, and a woobie. Changed Shelby's clothes three times for "accidents" washed my bedding because an entire glass of milk was spilled on it. And cleaned up a flood in the bathroom from giving Barbie a bath in the sink. Seriously?

Monday, March 30, 2009

My growing girls

My Pey Pey and my Sho Sho. Here are a few pics of what they were up to in January. Peyton sitting in her little Bumbo chair on the bathroom counter while I get ready in the morning smiling her awesome little grin and growling like a grizzly bear.

Shelby at Gymnastics which she absolutely loves and does such a great job at. She is such an independent little spirit. She listens to her teacher, but definetely has her own ideas about how to do things. It was a parent participation class and so it was great to have that one hour a week where it's just me and her. She always would remind me that "Peyton can't come cause hers jus a baby".

Friday, March 6, 2009

You might be a redneck if...

You might be a redneck if you've ever killed, cooked, and eaten a wild hog on your own property. OK so my dad and brother and Birch did most of the killing and cooking but I did eat it and it was pretty good. My dad, Tysen, Michael, and Daylon went hunting for wild hogs after Christmas and set a trap. When they came back they had caught 6 of them and proudly brought them out to our house to build a pen and fatten them up a bit. On New Year's Eve after a bit of internet research on how exactly to cook a whole hog, they decided to call Birch, a friend of my Dad's for no other reason than he is from Louisiana so surely he knows how to do it. No stereotype there right. Well it turns out he did so our entire family, the Birch family, and the Sullivan's all got to enjoy pork that had been roasting in a pit for hours. We then had a little firework celebration in the back yard.
Of course you will notice in the pictures of Shelby eating that she just has a hot dog on her plate.
I trusted their methods enough to try it myself but I didn't give her any until we had all eaten and nobody had dropped dead. I can tell you this is not something I ever really thought I'd be doing for New Years Eve. I think my past New Years Eve's were spent at concerts or other parties where things like high heels and cocktail dresses were appropriate. But hey I do live in Texas now and when in Rome...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Christmas Blog Finally

Ok so we did have a GREAT Christmas. So great and so fun that Shelby is trying to make it still be Christmas even now that it is the 2nd of March. She still wants to watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer every other day and sings "You better watch out, you better not cry" in the car all the time. She got her new Forsey (Horsey) whom she named Silver and a stick Forsey she named Midnight I think we are now at about 20 horses that all have names which she of course knows and I am expected to remember. These pictures are of Christmas morning at our house, a couple at Grandma's later that day and a couple of their Christmas dresses including one for Sally the Doll. Peyton loved "Blueberry" her new horsey bouncer, named of course by Shelby, and they both loved their new little table and chairs that Mommy had to paint and assemble on Christmas Eve because I was a huge procrastinator! It does seem a bit like horse overload sometimes but I am afraid it is a phase that will pass and then I will be so sad and miss it.